Kisah Jenama
Jenama aroma essential kami komited untuk mempromosikan kesejahteraan holistik dan menyediakan produk berkualiti tinggi yang menyokong lima bidang kesihatan yang berbeza: Imuniti, Minda, Badan, Rohaniah dan Vitality. Aroma essential setiap konsep direka untuk menyasarkan kebimbangan organ yang berbeza, daripada mengimbangi hormon kepada memperbaiki masalah pernafasan dan alahan.
Promotes release of endorphin in which endorphin helps to support respiratory health.
Promotes endorphin for better circulation and reduce pain as well as swelling in varicose vein.
Promotes release of endorphin in which endorphin helps to support respiratory health.
Promotes endorphin for better circulation and reduce pain as well as swelling in varicose vein.
Promotes the release of dopamine and seretonin to improve brain and mental health.
Promote release of seretonin to support healthy digestive system.
Promotes the release of dopamine and seretonin to improve brain and mental health.
Promote release of seretonin to support healthy digestive system.
Promote release of oxytocin to support endocrine system in both male and female.
Promote release of oxytocin to support endocrine system in both male and female.
To use essential oils safely and effectively, please read and follow the label instructions carefully. If you have any medical conditions or concerns, are pregnant or nursing, or have children or pets at home, please consult with your healthcare provider before using. Please note that essential oils are not intended to be used as a replacement for medical treatment, and should not be used to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
1. What are the benefits of essential oils in Scent of Kare?
A. Scent of Kare consist of five (5) essential oils that provides different benefits to the body including:
(i) Emmuni protect against the respiratory tract
(ii) Calmis for deep relaxation
(iii) Sensule regulate endocrine system in both men and women
(iv) Powerhouse promotes blood circulation to reduce oedema
(v) Degest rich in antioxidant for deep detoxification
2. What are Eckare essential scent?
A. Eckare essential scent are natural herbs and botanical based that extracted through patented technology promoting specific hormones for holistic wellness. Essential scent support five (5) different areas of wellness: Body, Mind, Immunity, Spirit and Vitality.
3. Are they any precautions that I need to take when using Eckare essential oils?
A. Eckare essential oils are made up of natural ingredients that are not harmful to human body. We will recommend to stop using if you encounter any irritation, redness or reaction.
4. Are Eckare essential scent safe for pregnant/breastfeeding mother?
A. Eckare essential oils are made up of natural ingredients that are perfectly safe to use in moderation during pregnancy or breastfeeding. We will recommend pregnant/breastfeeding mothers use the essential oils in diffuser rather than topical use.
5. Are essential oils still effective and safe if they’ve been left in the heat?
A. It’s best to store your essential oils in a cool, dry place.
Untuk keselamatan anda dan untuk mencapai hasil yang terbaik, kami mengesyorkan agar anda membaca label dengan teliti dan mengikuti arahan yang diberikan. Ingat bahawa produk pengganti makanan tidak bertujuan untuk digunakan sebagai satu-satunya sumber pemakanan. Adalah idea yang baik untuk berunding dengan pembekal penjagaan kesihatan atau pakar pemakanan anda sebelum menggunakan produk pengganti makanan untuk menentukan sama ada ia sesuai untuk anda.
1. What are the benefits of essential oils in Scent of Kare?
A. Scent of Kare consist of five (5) essential oils that provides different benefits to the body including:
(i) Emmuni protect against the respiratory tract
(ii) Calmis for deep relaxation
(iii) Sensule regulate endocrine system in both men and women
(iv) Powerhouse promotes blood circulation to reduce oedema
(v) Degest rich in antioxidant for deep detoxification
2. What are Eckare essential scent?
A. Eckare essential scent are natural herbs and botanical based that extracted through patented technology promoting specific hormones for holistic wellness. Essential scent support five (5) different areas of wellness: Body, Mind, Immunity, Spirit and Vitality.
3. Are they any precautions that I need to take when using Eckare essential oils?
A. Eckare essential oils are made up of natural ingredients that are not harmful to human body. We will recommend to stop using if you encounter any irritation, redness or reaction.
4. Are Eckare essential scent safe for pregnant/breastfeeding mother?
A. Eckare essential oils are made up of natural ingredients that are perfectly safe to use in moderation during pregnancy or breastfeeding. We will recommend pregnant/breastfeeding mothers use the essential oils in diffuser rather than topical use.
5. Are essential oils still effective and safe if they’ve been left in the heat?
A. It’s best to store your essential oils in a cool, dry place.
Ketahui lebih lanjut tentang Scents of Kare
Sapukan Kulit
Teknologi Pengekstrakan yang dipatenkan
Herba Asli dan Botani
Mandian Kaki
Menggalakkan Hormon Khusus untuk kesihatan